Restriction of PFOA and BPA

ECHA Committee for Risk Assessment and Committee for Socio-Economic Analysis release opinions on restriction proposals for PFOA and BPA

BPA exposure and premature birth

New study finds little evidence of associations between BPA exposure during pregnancy and premature birth

BPA and behavioral problems in children

Canadian study finds correlation between increased levels of BPA and behavioral problems in children and adolescents

Sweden to ban BPA use in water pipes

Swedish government announces intention to protect infants and children from exposure to bisphenol A in tap water

Non-BPA cans

Food company ConAgra removes BPA from its cans; non-profit organizations raise concern over safety of BPA-replacements and ask for removal of BPA from all food packaging

BPA in air and surface water

New study finds high BPA concentrations in air and surface water near industrial sites; proposes new routes of exposure

Effects of BPA and phthalates on fetal growth

New study finds correlation between prenatal exposure to two phthalate metabolites and certain fetal growth parameters; overall little evidence of associations of BPA or phthalate exposure with fetal growth

BPA exposure and obesity

New study investigates in vivo and in vitro exposure to BPA; indicates link between BPA exposure and obesity in women

New dietary intervention study on BPA planned

Year 12 students collaborate with academic researchers on unique outreach project at UK university; study of BPA body burden and health effects in 120 participants planned

Phthalates and phenols may alter placenta genes

New study links prenatal exposure to phthalates and phenols to altered gene expression in placenta of pregnant women