
The Food Packaging Forum reports on recent developments across the food packaging and health field.

September 15, 2020

Chemical Watch investigates trend of US states and retailers to phase out use of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in food packaging; non-governmental organizations expect increasing momentum while PFAS manufacturers defends performance and safety of applications
Reading time: 3 minutes

September 11, 2020

National Health Commission opens public consultation on 16 food safety standards; sets stricter limits for metals used in food contact materials (FCMs), removes use of 4% acetic acid as food simulant; comments accepted until October 20, 2020
Reading time: 1 minute

September 10, 2020

European Environment Agency (EEA) publishes report providing on overview of challenges and opportunities; includes introduction to relevant terminology, implications of use, and comparison of existing certifications; calls for clearer labeling and increased campaigns to inform consumers
Reading time: 1 minute

September 10, 2020

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) opens public consultation on the identification of dioctyltin dilaurate and stannane, dioctyl-, bis(coco acyloxy) derivatives as substances of very high concern (SVHCs) due to reproductive toxicity; comments accepted until October 16, 2020
Reading time: 1 minute

September 9, 2020

Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) publishes overview report on plastic types, additives, and associated health impacts; illustrates life cycle of contained chemicals and resulting exposures; calls for revisions to regulations to be protective, consistent, anticipatory, communicative
Reading time: 2 minutes

September 9, 2020

Scientists from Danish Technical University (DTU) assess butylparaben according to EU guidance for assessment of pesticides; find that approach positively identifies butylparaben as endocrine disrupting chemical (EDC) even with different data availability; suggest guidance could be applied to wide range of chemicals to identify other EDCs
Reading time: 2 minutes
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