
The Food Packaging Forum reports on recent developments across the food packaging and health field.

September 22, 2020

Interview with Bjorn Hansen discusses efficiency of data sharing across chemical assessments, incompleteness of REACH registration dossiers, identification of additional SVHCs, and the upcoming EU chemicals strategy
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Reading time: 3 minutes

September 21, 2020

German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) publishes position statement on specific migration limits for lead, cadmium, and cobalt from ceramic food contact materials; derives recommended limits up to 400 times lower than values allowed by current directive
Reading time: 1 minute

September 18, 2020

Organization reviews current chemical recycling projects, finds less than half are plastic-to-plastic recycling, none likely to become viable; criticizes labeling waste- and plastic-to-fuel technologies as ‘chemical recycling’, describes it as misleading for governments, investors and the public
Reading time: 1 minute

September 17, 2020

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) publishes final version of its opinion on risk to human health from per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in food; sets group tolerable weekly intake limit of 4.4 ng/kg body weight for four most commonly measured PFAS in humans
Reading time: 1 minute

September 16, 2020

Environmental law organization finds EU laws on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) lag behind current science, proposes specific policy and process changes to address gaps; recommends implementing REACH restrictions on all identified EDCs, automatic regulatory consequences to reduce all sources of exposure
Reading time: 1 minute

September 16, 2020

European Commission (EC) opens public consultation on new sustainable products initiative; aims to expand scope of Ecodesign Directive across product types, create sustainability principles, requirements to link climate and environmental impacts to resource and energy use
Reading time: 1 minute

September 15, 2020

Assembly fails to pass bill AB-1080; would have required 75% reduction of waste generated from single-use packaging, all packaging to be recyclable or compostable; passes separate bill requiring 50% recycled content in plastic bottles by 2030
Reading time: 2 minutes
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