

June 20, 2024

New study examines long-term effects of polystyrene (PS) nanoplastics on mitochondrial health under realistic exposure conditions; repeated exposure to PS nanoplastics impaired mitochondrial function and cell differentiation process, possibly linked to metabolic disorders, such as diabetes and obesity; other recent studies found that PS micro- and nanoplastics negatively affect immune function, pregnancy outcomes, and gut health in various models
Reading time: 3 minutes

June 17, 2024

Study of colon cancer cell lines finds polystyrene micro and nanoplastic particles (MNPs) can be absorbed into cancerous cells in experimental settings; the more aggressive cell line absorbed the most MNPs and presence of MNPs increased cell movement; evidence of persistence and bioaccumulation; authors argue MNPs fit criteria as substance of concern under REACH
Reading time: 3 minutes

May 9, 2023

US state of Oregon passes bill to reduce plastic, ban PFAS in food packaging, and to amend health regulations around reusables; SB 543 phases out polystyrene foam dishware, packing peanuts, and coolers, also prohibits the use of PFAS in food packaging; SB 545 will make it easier for restaurants to offer reusable containers to customers
Reading time: 0 minutes

May 18, 2021

Governor for US state of Washington signs Senate Bill 5022; bans expanded polystyrene foam takeaway containers by June 2024; beginning January 1, 2022 all single-use service ware only given to customers upon request; adds minimum recycled content requirement to many plastic containers and trash bags; no longer requires triangular arrow recycle symbol on hard plastic products
Reading time: 1 minute
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