In an article published on March 27, 2019, news provider Plastic News Europe informed about UK retailer Tesco’s launch of a trial to provide packaging-free produce. At two of its larger stores in England, the retailer is going to sell 45 produce products unpackaged and monitor consumer reactions for one month. The trial stems from Tesco’s targets announced last year to “ban hard-to-recycle plastic packaging by 2019 and make all packaging fully recyclable by 2025” for the products within the retailer’s own brand. Tesco is a signatory of the UK Plastics Pact, which aims to “move away from a linear plastics economy” (FPF reported).

“We want to remove as much plastic as we can from our products, only using what is necessary to protect and preserve our food,” said Sarah Bradbury, director of quality for Tesco. Whatever happens [during the trial], we’re going to keep reducing the amount of packaging we use and ensure everything on our shelves is fully recyclable.”

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Julian Buckley (March 27, 2019). “UK retailer Tesco trials sale of packaging-free produce.” Plastic News Europe

Richard Partington (March 25, 2019). “Tesco begins plastic-free trial for selection of fruit and veg.” The Guardian