
Health Canada guide on glazed ceramics, glassware regulations

Government agency Health Canada publishes updated industry guide providing relevant information, examples, migration limits, designs for warnings labels; emphasizes that undecorated glassware and ceramics out of scope of regulation

In February 2021, Health Canada published an updated version of its industry guide for food contact glazed ceramic and glassware product regulations, which provides, among others, illustrative examples, migration limits for cadmium and lead, as well as guidance on design features and design warnings to prevent long-term food contact.

In Canada, food contact glazed ceramic and glassware are regulated under the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (CCPSA) and the Glazed Ceramics and Glassware Regulations (GCGR, SOR/2016-175). In the updated guide, important information is provided to help manufacturers meet the set requirements. The guide emphasizes that undecorated glassware and ceramics are out of the scope of the GCGR. Further, it provides ten examples of products that fall under the law, in addition to summarizing set limits for cadmium and lead migration, as well as detailing the design of permanent warning labels for glazed ceramic and glassware products that are intended for ornamental use only.

In the EU, a roadmap was published in May 2019 outlining an initiative to lower migration limits for heavy metals in ceramic, glass, and enameled food contact materials (FPF reported). However, the European Commission was criticized in January 2021 by the European Association for the Coordination of Consumer Representation in Standardization (ANEC) for failing to revise the outdated heavy metal limits (FPF reported).

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Health Canada (February 2021). “Industry Guide to the Glazed Ceramics and Glassware Regulations.”

SGS (March 23, 2021). “Health Canada revises industry guide for food contact glazed ceramics and glassware.”

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