In an article published on August 4, 2020, SGS reported on Colombian Ministry of Health and Social Protection’s resolution to extend the current emergency technical regulation on the migration of lead and cadmium from ceramic and glass food contact materials (FCMs) into food. Originally enacted in July 2019 and set to only be valid for one year (FPF reported), the regulation has now been extended for an additional six months until January 16, 2021.

The regulation includes a set of harmonized system codes specifying which products are within scope and migration limits for both metals from the different material and article types. It also sets out a requirement for conformity assessments and certificates from an accredited certification body. A full list of the set migration limits by material and article type are provided within the SGS article.

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SGS (August 4, 2020). “Colombia Extends Emergency Technical Regulation on Food Contact Glass and Ceramics.”

Chemical Watch (August 14, 2020). “Colombia extends timeframe for lead and cadmium limits in FCMs.


Colombian Ministry of Health and Social Protection (July 15, 2020). “Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social Resolución Número 1163 de 2020.” (pdf) (in Spanish)