Plastics value chain stakeholders sign declaration

Over 100 stakeholders commit to reaching target to annually use 10 million tons of recycled plastics in new products in Europe by 2025; Coca-Cola executive discusses need for a call to action within the industry; ACC publishes infographic on chemical recycling

EC’s meeting with European FCM industry

EU Commission presents ongoing work in FCM field to professional associations; amendments to recycling plastics regulation and specific measure on ‘glymo’ in preparation; authorization of recycling processes expected by Q3 2020; final publication of updated EFSA opinion on phthalates in FCMs expected soon

California legislature passes recycling bills

New bills require 50% recycled content in containers within deposit program by 2030; businesses to provide customers with recycling containers on their establishments; further bills to be discussed in 2020

California modifies draft circular economy bill

State lawmakers adapt proposed legislation on single use packaging and recycling following stakeholder discussions, keep target for 75% recycling rate by 2030, add language regarding material neutral treatment and use of a stakeholder advisory panel

PET recycling will not meet brand commitments

National Association for PET Container Resources concludes that U.S. PET recycling rates too low to meet brand commitments for recycled content; calls for action, including improving collection

Tesco to exclude brands with non-recyclable packaging

UK supermarket chain announces it will reserve right to not list brands with too much non-recyclable packaging starting in 2020; non-recyclable materials in own brands to be eliminated

Australia to ban exporting recyclable waste

Prime Minister announces goal of banning waste plastic, paper, and glass exports; reviewing options to better handle and reduce waste domestically; bans to be implemented ‘as soon as practicable’

Recycling ocean bound HDPE for food contact

U.S. Food and Drug Administration issues letter of non-objection to Envision Plastics for use of recycled high density polyethylene waste plastic collected from rivers in food contact articles

Aquafina, Dasani water in aluminum cans

Beverage manufacturers PepsiCo and Coca-Cola both plan to release their flagship water brands in new packaging, including aluminum cans and bottles; new packaging to be rolled out in the U.S. through 2020

Status report on advancing U.S. recycling

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reports on status of working group efforts, identifies priority actions; current focus largely on exploring options, enacting legislation still a distant prospect