How the Scientists’ Coalition brings independent science to policymakers

A perspective article explains why the Scientists’ Coalition for an Effective Plastic Treaty was formed and how it works; the Scientists’ Coalition employs a multi-faceted communication approach including a media strategy to reach all relevant stakeholders; member scientists must declare any conflicts of interests and publish peer-reviewed research related to plastic pollution

Earth Action report assesses leakage of plastic additives into the environment

Earth Action (EA) publishes report quantifying plastic additives leaking into the environment; estimates more than 6,000,000 tons of additives leak into the environment annually by applying a mathematical modeling approach; briefing paper assesses environmental and human health impacts of plastic additives and discusses ways forward

Effective plastics treaty needs to include investments in reduce, reuse, and redesign, scientists highlight

Reveal financial disbalance in Zero Draft to favor recycling over reduction, redesign, and reuse; prone to result in even more plastic waste generation; call for finance shift towards upstream, midstream solutions such as clear and strong extended producer responsibility obligations in the global plastics treaty

Global plastics treaty should include chemical simplification, scientists demand

Highlight reduction of chemicals used in plastics production as one necessary step towards safer recycling, in addition to stricter regulation to increase transparency on plastic producer side and phase out of harmful chemicals; call for inclusion of these obligations in global plastics treaty