Effects of phthalates on reproductive function in young Swedish men

Swedish researchers find link between prenatal exposure to DEHP and DiNP and lower semen volume in adolescent males

BPA may be linked to autism spectrum disorder

New study shows BPA is metabolized to lesser extent in children with autism spectrum disorder

Interventions reduced phthalate exposure in Taiwanese girls

New study develops and successfully implements intervention strategies for reducing exposure to phthalates

New FPF report: Dietary intake of BPA in the US

Researchers identified canned vegetables as a major contributor to adult BPA exposure through food

Diglycidyl ethers of BPA and BPF detected in humans

Diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (BADGE) and bisphenol F (BFDGE) measured in human blood plasma and adipose fat

Does BPA accelerate cancer onset?

New review article discusses link between BPA induced epigenetic changes and cancer initiation

Phthalate body burden in Chinese children

Researches investigate associations between reported dietary intake and phthalate body burden of 430 school-age children in Shanghai, China

Human exposure to marine plastic pollution

New in-depth article discusses human exposure to and potential health effects of plastics in marine food chain

IOM workshop on environmental exposures and obesity

Meeting and webcast of the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Roundtable on March 2-3, 2015

Harmonizing human and ecological risk assessment of mixtures

EFSA gathers international experts to debate exposures to chemical mixtures