Commission publishes roadmap for circular economy action plan

European Commission publishes roadmap for circular economy action plan; aims to accelerate transition away from linear economy, include sustainable products policy; public feedback period open until January 20, 2020

Commission presents ‘European Green Deal’

European Commission publicly announces new deal to serve as roadmap for making EU’s economy sustainable; includes creation of chemicals strategy for sustainability, zero-pollution action plan, circular economy action plan, farm to fork strategy; timeline for actions published

Belgian plastics industry in the circular economy

Results from study find 54% increase in recycling of plastics in Belgium since 2006; identify that recycled plastics not fully used in new products; report provides tables and figures with mass flows of plastic waste sources and treatments

SVI annual conference 2020

Swiss Packaging Institute (SVI) to hold annual event on January 14, 2020; presentations will focus on packaging in the circular economy with a focus on plastic and paperboard packaging; registration open until December 15

Ways towards more sustainable packaging

Brands, packaging producers and other stakeholders gather in Barcelona to discuss sustainable packaging; current focus on increasing recycling, but packaging reduction and reuse are the mid-term aims; chemical safety only touched upon briefly

NGO letter to new EU Commission on chemical pollution

Group of 24 organizations call on incoming European Commission president to prioritize three zero pollution goals; highlight use of hazardous chemicals in food packaging, outdated EDC strategy, toxics in the circular economy

U.S. draft regulations take aim at packaging waste

Two draft bills from U.S. House representatives and senators focus on better managing packaging material waste and reducing marine pollution; current version of Senate bill introduces return deposit scheme, extended producer responsibility, bans

Glass recycling at 76% in the EU

European Container Glass Federation (FEVE) reports record rate of 76% recycling of glass packaging in 2017 in the EU

Global Commitment and Brand Audit reports 2019

New Plastics Economy progress report applauds steps taken by signatories, highlights reductions in virgin plastic use by corporations, new policies introduced by governments; reminds readers much still to be done by 2025; Break Free From Plastic publishes 2019 Brand Audit Report, calls on top brands to reduce single-use plastic items

ExeMPLaR webinar series on plastics

University of Exeter research hub to host monthly webinars focusing on aspects within Regional Plastics project; first webinar takes place October 8, 2019; all events to be recorded and made available to registered members