
WRAP sets targets for removing single-use packaging in store-sold produce

UK-based organization publishes roadmap to reducing food waste and single-use plastic packaging; targets selling 50% of fruits and vegetables loose by 2030; aims to support retailers and other stakeholders in reaching UK Plastics Pact targets

On March 15, 2023, the UK NGO Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) released a report detailing a pathway to remove packaging from uncut fresh produce. The document aims to reduce food waste and greenhouse gas emissions by removing unnecessary plastic packaging, in line with the Courtauld Commitment 2030, the World Wide Fund for Nature’s (WWF’s) Basket, and the UK Plastics Pact (FPF reported).

The report outlines key principles for retailers to follow, as they head towards selling more loose uncut fruits and vegetables, and it presents yearly minimum targets to reach up to 2030. The authors suggest a selection of the key produce that should be prioritized, including apples, broccoli, peppers, and eggplant among many others. They also state that the loose versions should be priced comparably to the packed alternatives, making the option as attractive as possible for consumers. According to earlier research published by WRAP in February 2022, “70,000 tonnes of plastic are used to package uncut fruit and veg each year. If all apples, bananas and potatoes were sold loose, 60,000 tonnes of food waste could be saved.” By the end of 2030, “the aim is for 50% of uncut fresh produce sales volume (units/kgs) in store […] to be loose.” WRAP’s Retail Survey for the year 2021/22 found that number is currently at just 20%. WRAP will publish this survey annually to report on progress towards reaching the 50% target. 



WRAP (March 15, 2023). “Pathway to selling more uncut fresh fruit and vegetables loose. (pdf).

Read more 

WRAP (February 23, 2022). “Reducing household food waste and plastic packaging. (pdf).

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