On September 13, 2019, the European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) Food Ingredients and Packaging (FIP) Unit published the minutes of the 3rd meeting of its Working Group on bisphenol S (WG-BPS). The meeting was held on September 3, 2019, by teleconference. Experts presented analysis of data and conclusions regarding the developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) cohort, with a focus on the Morris Water Maze test results and brain morphometry. For the developmental immunotoxicity (DIT) cohort, results focused on the effects on immune system organ weights. Concerning other endpoints and reproductive effects, brief discussion took place regarding the conclusions made by the Belgian Competent Authority for the harmonized classification and labeling report. Deficiencies identified in the extended one-generation reproductive toxicity study (EOGRTS) were also discussed. The next meeting of the WG-BPS will take place in mid-October 2019 by teleconference (exact time and date to be confirmed).
The EFSA Panel on Food Contact materials, Enzymes and Processing Aids (CEP Panel) published the minutes of the 12th meeting of its Working Group on bisphenol A (WG-BPA) re-evaluation held on September 3-4, 2019, in Parma, Italy. During the meeting, the experts discussed the findings from toxicokinetic and physiologically-based pharmacokinetic studies on BPA that were published between 2013 and October 15, 2018. They further agreed upon a common approach for using the new data available in human studies, and they discussed and revised a draft text summarizing all of the studies. A refined version will be further discussed in the next meeting scheduled to be held on September 16-17, 2019 in Parma, Italy.
On September 19, 2019, the EFSA CEP Panel published the minutes of the 14th meeting of its Working Group on Phthalates, which was held on August 29, 2019, in Parma, Italy. During the meeting, the working group discussed revisions made in EFSA’s draft risk assessment of five phthalates (FPF reported) in response to comments received from a public consultation, specifically in the section dealing with toxicological assessment. “Suggestions for addressing the remaining comments in the technical report of the public consultation were further elaborated and agreed,” and tasks were distributed to the experts to finalize the documents for possible adoption at the CEP Panel meeting. No further WG meetings have been planned.
On September 25, 2019, the EFSA CEP Panel published the minutes of the 8th meeting of its Working Group on Food Contact Materials (WG-FCM). The meeting was held on September 3-5, 2019 in Parma, Italy. During the meeting, the group further discussed the draft opinion and relevant changes regarding the substance tris(2-ethylhexyl) benzene-1,2,4-tricarboxylate (CAS 3319-31-1) [EFSA-Q-2017-00645]. The opinion has been scheduled for discussion and possible adoption by the CEP Panel. Additional information was also received from the applicant regarding bleached cellulose pulp [EFSA-Q-2017-00740], and a dossier was received from another applicant regarding the re-evaluation of refined paraffinic waxes derived from petroleum based or synthetic hydrocarbon feedstocks [EFSA-Q-2018-00558]. However, it was determined that further information is needed to complete the risk assessments for both, and the evaluations were suspended pending this additional information. In addition, the WG continued discussion of the mandate received from the European Commission “to review whether the authorization of untreated wood flour and fibers (FCM No 96) is still in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1935/2004.” The group discussed a second draft of the opinion, and a next revised version is scheduled for discussion at the upcoming WG-FCM meeting on September 3-5, 2019 in Parma, Italy.
On September 30, 2019, the EFSA CEP Panel published the minutes of the 8th meeting of its Working Group on Recycling Plastics. The meeting was held on September 13, 2019 by teleconference. The group “discussed issues relevant to the information provided in the technical dossiers of past recycling applications which used the EREMA technology and discussed in detail the steps of their risk assessment and the requirements for additional information, depending on what is provided in each application.” The next meeting will take place on October 7-8, 2019.
Read more
EFSA FIP (September 13, 2019). “Minutes of the 3rd meeting of the working group on bisphenol S (BPS).” (pdf)
EFSA CEP Panel (September 19, 2019). “Minutes of the 12th meeting of the working group on BPA re-evaluation.” (pdf)
EFSA CEP Panel (September 19, 2019). “Minutes of the 14th meeting of the working group on phthalates.” (pdf)
EFSA (February 6, 2019). “Draft update of the risk assessment of di-butylphthalate (DBP), butyl-benzyl-phthalate (BBP), bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP), di-isononylphthalate (DINP) and di-isodecylphthalate (DIDP) for use in food contact materials.” (pdf)
EFSA CEP Panel (September 25, 2019). “Minutes of the 8th meeting of the working group on food contact materials 2018-2021.” (pdf)
EFSA CEP Panel (September 30, 2019). “Minutes of the 8th meeting of the working group on recycling plastics 2018-2021.” (pdf)