In an article published on September 19, 2018, regulatory news provider Chemical Watch informed about a new website launched by the Danish Ministry of Environment and Food that informs consumers about chemical exposures and potential health effects. The aim of the website is to give citizens an overview of the chemicals in everyday products and how to avoid unnecessary exposures, the Ministry explained in a press release published on September 12, 2018.

The information is divided into categories such as skin and body, food, home, pregnancy, children, as well as hobbies and leisure. The food section informs, among others, about chemicals in food packaging and kitchen utensils, such as bisphenol A (BPA, CAS 80-05-7) and fluorinated substances.

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Chemical Watch (September 19, 2018). “Denmark launches consumer website on chemicals.

Danish Ministry of Environment and Food (September 12, 2018). “Slip for unødig kemi med ny hjemmeside.(in Danish)

Danish Ministry of Environment and Food (2018). “Kend kemien.(in Danish)