
Circular packaging design guidelines

FH Campus Wien publishes guidelines for design of packaging within the circular economy

In a post published on January 31, 2019, the university of applied sciences FH Campus Wien announced the publication of a new document titled “Circular Packaging Design Guideline.”  The document was developed by the team within the university’s Competence Center for Sustainable and Future Oriented Packaging Solutions, and it aims to support the entire value chain within the packaging branch. The guideline document explains the basics of sustainable packaging design and provides recommendations for creating recyclable design variants.

This is the first version of the document, and it will be updated in the future to reflect changes in collection, sorting, and recycling technology as well as the development of new materials. Such updates will be made in collaboration with FH Campus Wien’s stakeholder forum on circular packaging. The university’s next Circular Packaging Day is scheduled for April 11, 2019 and will focus on current aspects within the EU Circular Economy Package (FPF reported), evaluation of recyclability, as well as newest technical recycling and packaging solutions. Official registration information for the event as well as the event program is available on the event’s website.

Read more

FH Campus Wien (January 31, 2019). “Empfehlungen für die Gestaltung recyclinggerechter Verpackungen.(in German)

FH Campus Wien (January 31, 2019). “Circular Packaging Design Guideline.(pdf, in German)

FH Campus Wien (March 2019). “Circular Economy Day.(in German)

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