In an article published on March 7, 2019, regulatory news provider Chemical Watch informed that “the European Commission has published a staff working document assessing voluntary pledges under the European strategy for plastics in a circular economy” (FPF reported).  

The document, dated March 5, 2019, said that the pledges for recycled plastics made “frequently mentioned” chemical recycling as “an upcoming game changer to deal with mixed and contaminated plastic waste.” However, only “very few pledgers have integrated chemically recycled plastics in their pledged volumes by 2025.” The report also underscores the need for better information on (hazardous) chemicals in plastic waste. 

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Chemical Watch (March 7, 2019). “Commission assesses plastics strategy voluntary pledges. 


European Commission (March 4, 2019). “Commission staff working document. Assessment report of the voluntary pledges under Annex III of the European Strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy.” SWD(2019) 92 final (pdf)