
7th meeting of EFSA’s FCM Network

7th meeting of EFSA’s Food Contact Materials Network takes place on November 6-7, 2019, in Parma, Italy; focus on plastics and microplastics, assessment of mixtures, prioritization strategies for non-harmonized FCMs

The 7th meeting of the European Food Safety Authority’s (EFSA) Food Ingredients and Packaging Unit’s (FIP) food contact materials (FCM) Network will be held on November 6-7, 2019, in Parma, Italy. The announced agenda includes discussion of plastics, microplastics, and nanomaterials, as well as toxicity assessment of mixtures, selection of substances for further regulatory action, and prioritization strategies for non-harmonized FCMs.

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EFSA FIP (2019). “Network on the cooperation and harmonization of risk assessment of food contact materials (FCM). The ‘EFSA FCM NETWORK.’ Agenda of the 7th meeting.(pdf)

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