On February 3, 2021, non-governmental organization Safer States released its annual analysis of anticipated state-level US policies on toxic chemical regulation for 2021, finding a primary focus on per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS).

According to the analysis, at least 27 states will consider policies in 2021 through more than 180 bills with PFAS as the most prevalent issue. At least 11 states, such as Arizona, Iowa, and Virginia, will consider policies to eliminate PFAS from food packaging and other consumer products to humans and the environment from exposure.

Some policies introduced this year will be built on policies adopted in the years before, for example, in Main, Washington, and New York (FPF reported), which banned the application of PFAS chemicals in food packaging. Several major grocery and restaurant chains such as McDonald’s (FPF reported), Kroger, and Amazon (FPF reported) also have publicly announced steps to reduce or eliminate PFAS and other chemicals in food packaging.

Safer States National Director Sarah Doll commented “It’s no surprise that in recent years, states have stepped up more than ever before to protect the health of their residents. Not only do States want to keep their communities healthy, but they are often the ones having to pay to clean up toxic messes left behind by industry. No matter what is happening in Washington, DC, states have an incentive to find innovative solutions to our toxic chemical problems.”

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Safer States (February 3, 2021).New analysis finds at least 27 states will consider toxic chemical policies in 2021.”

Sarah Doll (February 3, 2021).2021 Analysis of Upcoming State Legislation on Toxic Chemicals.” Safer States

SGS (February 9, 2021). “US legislative developments: PFAS in consumer goods.”

Chemical Watch (March 9, 2021). “California considers cookware disclosure mandate, PFAS food packaging ban.”