On November 5, 2020, non-governmental organization Safer Chemicals Healthy Families announced the launch of a public petition calling for restaurant chain McDonald’s to discontinue using all per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in its food packaging. The initiative is motivated by a community in the US state of Alabama that had its drinking water highly contaminated from a nearby chemical plant owned by manufacturer Daikin that produces PFAS. Following a study in August 2020 that detected PFAS in the food packaging of major restaurant chains, including McDonald’s (FPF reported), the petition is calling for the restaurant to discontinue its use of PFAS. The petition argues that “as the largest fast-food chain in the world, McDonald’s is driving demand for these chemicals. And they have the power to make a change.”

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Brenda Hampton and Mind the Store (November 5, 2020). “McDonald’s: Stop using packaging that contaminates drinking water!Change.org

Bret Kemler (November 5, 2020). “A resident of this Alabama county is calling out McDonald’s for PFAS.” Safer Chemicals Healthy Families

Mike Schade (November 16, 2020). “Thousands of people demand action on McDonald’s toxic trash.” Safer Chemicals Healthy Families

Leigh Stringer (November 26, 2020). “McDonald’s CEO must do more to address PFAS packaging claims, say campaigners.” Chemical Watch