
Nine SVHCs to include on Authorisation list

European Chemicals Agency recommends adding nine substances of very high concern (SVHCs) to the REACH Authorisation list; non-profit organization Chemical Secretariat (ChemSec) criticizes omission of some substances as well as delays on behalf of European Commission

In an article published on November 10, 2016 the European Chemicals Agency announced that it has recommended adding nine substances of very high concern (SVHCs) to the REACH Authorisation List (Annex XIV). These chemicals, all classified as toxic for reproduction, include 1,2-benzendicarboxylic acid, dihexyl ester, branched and linear (CAS 68515-50-4), dihexyl phthalate (CAS 84-75-3), trixylyl phosphate (CAS 25155-23-1), sodium perborate (CAS 15120-21-5), sodium peroxometaborate (CAS 7632-04-4), and several lead-containing substances. Sodium peroxometaborate is used in food contact materials in both the EU and U.S., and dihexyl phthalate is allowed as an Indirect Food Additive in the U.S..

In its article published on November 11, 2016 the non-profit organization Chemical Secretariat (ChemSec) criticized ECHA for removing two respiratory sensitizers from the final recommendation, despite the Member State Committee supporting the inclusion of these substances. ChemSec further emphasized that the European Commission (EC) currently acts as a further ‘bottleneck’ because it did not add any new substances to REACH Annex XIV since more than two years. Currently, three batches of substances recommended by ECHA for inclusion on the Annex XIV are awaiting EC’s decision. ChemSec urged to “move forward with these recommendations as soon as possible.”

Read more

ECHA (November 10, 2016). “ECHA proposes nine substances for authorization.

ECHA (November 10, 2016). “Annex to a press release ECHA proposes 9 substances for authorization.” (pdf)

ChemSec (November 11, 2016). “ECHA ignores Member States advice, recommends fewer substances to be added to Annex XIV.

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