
ECHA recommends 15 SVHCs for authorization

ECHA proposes to add 15 substances of very high concern to the REACH Authorization List; includes 3 food contact chemicals

On July 2, 2015 the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced that they recommend 15 substances of very high concern (SVHCs) to be added to the Authorization List (Annex XIV) of the regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). Among these substances, three are present in food contact materials (FCMs): 4-nonylphenol (CAS 901-64-59) is a known NIAS (non-intentionally added substance) in plastics (FPF reported). Boric acid (CAS 10043-35-3) is authorized in the EU for FCM plastics as additive and monomer; it is also used in non-plastic FCMs. Disodium tetraborate, anhydrous (CAS 1330-43-4) is authorized in the EU as additive in FCM plastics and has other uses, too (CAS 1303-96-4).

The final decision on the inclusion of these substances in Annex XIV and on the dates by which companies will need to apply for authorization to ECHA will be made by the European Commission (EC) together with the Member States (MS) and the European Parliament (EP).

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ECHA (July 2, 2015). “ECHA proposes 15 substances for authorization.

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