
ChemSec: REACH authorization process requires improvements

Authorization process shall be smooth and efficient, strong focus on REACH's original intentions is a must

On February 10, 2015 the non-profit organization the International Chemical Secretariat (ChemSec) announced it had released a position paper on the REACH authorization process. ChemSec calls for clear guidelines and a strong connection to original intentions of REACH. The organization further highlights that the authorization process needs to be simplified, yet, it must be designed in a way that fuels Europe’s progressive companies. Many companies invested in alternatives to recognized Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs). It is therefore desirable that the new legislation supports these efforts. The European Commission (EC) has previously identified the Candidate List as a main driver for innovation in the EU chemical industry. However, the List will continue to be such a significant driver only if the use of recognized SVHCs, for which alternatives are available, is not granted authorization. Alongside the position paper, ChemSec published a supporting document with a number of quotes from European industry. These quotes explain the positive effect REACH and the Candidate List had in driving green innovations in their respective business fields. ChemSec urges the EC to consider these opinions, as discussions on how to design the authorization process intensify.

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ChemSec (February 10, 2015). “ChemSec calls for an effective authorisation process, leading industry provide support for REACH.

ChemSec (February 10, 2015). “ChemSec’s position paper on REACH authorization process.” (pdf)

ChemSec (February 10, 2015). “Related opinions from European industry.” (pdf)

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