On September 1, 2020, non-government organization BizNGO published the recording of a webinar investigating testing methods for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in food service ware and food packaging. The event is part of an initiative titled ‘Charting the Path,’ which is an informal, multi-stakeholder group of manufacturers, retailers, health care organizations, governments, and NGOs looking to identify “real solutions to PFAS in food service ware and packaging applications.”
The event featured six speakers from the San Francisco Department of the Environment, Clean Production Action, the Center for Environmental Health, Toxic-Free Future, and the sustainability consultancy Anthesis. In addition to testing methods, the speakers discussed purchasing recommendations for food service ware, the launch of the Biodegradable Products Institute’s standard for fluorinated chemicals, and the Plastic, Toxics, and Litter Reduction ordinance launched in the city of San Francisco.
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BizNGO (September 1, 2020). “Charting a Path to PFAS Solutions in Food Service Ware & Packaging.”