
Washington state identifies priority products

State’s Department of Ecology (DoE) publishes priority consumer products report for legislature, prioritizes bisphenols used in food and drink linings

The Department of Ecology (DoE) for the US state of Washington has published its report on priority consumer products and delivered it to the state’s legislature. It identifies a set of eleven products as being priority products under the Safer Products for Washington program, including bisphenols in food and drink can linings. Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) used in food packaging are still being assessed by the department to determine if safer alternatives exist, therefore they are not identified as a priority product in this report.

For food and drink cans, the report provides estimated volumes of bisphenols used in can linings and exposure levels to consumers. It specifically notes concern over exposure to the substances bisphenol A (BPA; CAS 80-05-07) and bisphenol S (BPS; CAS 80-09-1), which are both listed on the state’s list of chemicals of high concern to children. Safer alternatives have been suggested as being available, and the department will further assess the safety and feasibility of the alternatives during the next phase of the project.

This report was completed within the second of four phases of the state’s ongoing implementation of a law requiring the agency to “identify priority consumer products that are significant sources or uses of the five priority chemical classes” (FPF reported). In the next phase, the agency must determine by June 1, 2022, whether or not to require notice or restrict/prohibit the use of these chemicals in the priority products. Then, by June 1, 2023, any relevant rules need to be decided that address the actions determined.

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State of Washington DoE (July 2020). “Safer Products for Washington.”

American Chemistry Council (July 8, 2020). “ACC Comments on Release of Initial Draft Report of Washington’s Safer Products Program.”

Keller and Heckman LLP (July 23, 2020). “Washington State Report on Priority Products Published.”

Chemical Watch (August 31, 2020). “Washington spells out next steps for Safer Products programme.”


State of Washington DoE (July 2020). “Priority Consumer Products Report to the Legislature: Safer Products for Washington Implementation Phase 2.”

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