In an article published on March 22, 2017 by regulatory news provider Chemical Watch, editor Vanessa Zainzinger reports that the EU competent authorities for biocides have agreed on how to establish maximum residue limits (MRLs) for active substances in food-related products and specific migration limits (SMLs) in food contact materials (FCMs). Where the use of a biocide can result in “significant levels in food,” MRLs should be derived, Zainzinger explains. This approach applies to active substances that do not already have defined limits under other regulations, such as the regulations on plant protection products or veterinary medicinal products. Zainzinger further explains that the approach is temporary and expected to be valid for three years. It will be revisited when the European Commission’s regulation on the setting of MRLs for pesticides is due for review.

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Vanessa Zainzinger (March 22, 2017). “Biocides authorities back interim approach for setting migration limits.Chemical Watch

Vanessa Zainzinger (December 5, 2016). “Time pressing for agreement on MRL approach, Commission says.Chemical Watch