
Sizing nanoparticles

EU research project NanoDefine asks companies for input on nanomaterial sizing techniques by September 11, 2015

In an article published on September 4, 2015 the Nanotechnology Industries Association (NIA) informs about a call from the EU NanoDefine project for input on nanomaterial sizing techniques. The NanoDefine research project aims to develop integrated approaches to implementing the European Commission (EC) recommendation on the definition of nanomaterial. Companies in the public or private sector working with nanomaterials are asked to fill out a ‘Particle Sizing Techniques’ survey by September 11, 2015. The input will help provide accurate recommendations to the EC, which in turn can shape future nanomaterial regulation.

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NIA (September 4, 2015). “NanoDefine project seeks input from companies with particle sizing experience.

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