On May 2, 2017 the Nordic Council of Ministers announced the launch of the “Nordic programme to reduce the environmental impact of plastic.” The program includes six strategic goals:
1) Preventing plastic waste and supporting design that enhances reuse, longer life-time, and recycling,
2) more effective waste-management systems and increasing recycling of plastic waste,
3) co-operated efforts to stop plastic waste entering the oceans and find cost-effective clean-up solutions,
4) advancing knowledge of microplastics and identifying measures to reduce emissions to the environment,
5) increasing understanding of the environmental impacts and advantages of bio-based and biodegradable plastics, and
6) producing information about substances of concern in plastics recycling.
The program sets out a course for the Nordic Region, but will also serve as input for international work, such as the United Nations (UN) sustainable development goals for 2030, the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA), and the UN Environment Programme’s (UNEP) campaign against marine waste called #CleanSeas (FPF reported).
“A change of course is needed at global level in order to reduce the volume of plastic debris and microplastics in the seas,” stated the Norwegian climate and environment minister, Vidar Helgesen. “We need to adopt measures that will reduce emissions of microplastics into lakes and sea, so it is important that official Nordic agencies work even more closely together, share information, enhance their knowledge and discuss their experiences,” added the Swedish environment minister, Karolina Skog.
Read more
Nordic Co-operation (May 2, 2017). “Environment ministers strike a blow for the sustainable use of plastic.”
Chemical Watch (May 2, 2017). “Nordic Council launches sustainable plastics programme.”
Nordic Council of Ministers (2017). “Nordic programme to reduce the environmental impact of plastic.” (pdf)