
Innovation challenge for greener chemicals

Collaborative industry innovation challenge leads to development of safer preservatives for consumer products

In an article published on August 9, 2018, by the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) + Business platform, Boma Brown-West and Jennifer McPartland reported on an innovation challenge for greener preservatives launched by the Green Chemistry & Commerce Council (GC3) and InnoCentive. “[T]he innovation challenge focused on products with frequent direct skin contact – beauty, personal care and household cleaning products,” the authors explained. Key stakeholders from across the value chain and public health scientists established “robust environmental, health, and performance criteria by which to judge submissions, as well as an attractive incentive for potential innovators to directly engage with industry leaders.” The winners of the challenge were announced on August 6, 2018.

“Consumer products are a source of our exposure to toxic chemicals” and “[a]chieving a safer marketplace takes more than just the identification of problematic ingredients,” the Brown-West and McPartland highlighted. “It also requires market actors working together to spur, validate, and commercialize green chemistry innovation,” the authors further stressed as they “look forward to the GC3’s additional collaborative innovation initiatives in the future.”

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Boma Brown-West and Jennifer McPartland (August 9, 2018). “Can we collaborate our way to safer chemicals?EDF + Business

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