
India updating ionomer resin standard

Bureau of Indian Standards publishes draft update to standard for ionomer resins in contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, and drinking water; accepting comments on the proposal until December 6, 2022

In October 2022, the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) published a proposal to update the standards for ionomer resins in contact with food, pharmaceuticals, and drinking water. The draft standard outlines requirements for the use of certain ionomer resins, migration, storage, sampling, and testing procedures. BIS proposes a maximum overall migration limit of 60 mg/kg of foodstuff. However, small food contact articles with a potentially high surface area to volume ratios including many containers with less than 250 ml of a foodstuff or made up of “sheets, foils and other non-fillable articles” will be limited to “10 mg/dm2 of the surface of the material or article.”

The original standard for ionomer resins was published by BIS in 1985. Stakeholders can comment on the proposed update until December 6, 2022.

In August 2022, India updated overall migration limits for antimony (CAS 7440-36-0) and di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (phthalic acid, DEHP, CAS 117-81-7) from plastic food packaging (FPF reported).



BIS (October 2022). “Ionomer resins for its safe use in contact with foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals and drinking water – specification.” (pdf)

Read more

Ajoy K Das (November 16, 2022). “India consults on revised standards for ionomer resins in food packaging.” Chemical Watch

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