On July 8, 2015 the European Parliament (EP) approved its recommendations to the European Commission (EC) negotiators regarding the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). The EP asks for an “ambitious and balanced” EU-U.S. trade deal that opens up U.S. market access for EU firms. At the same time, the high level of protection for EU consumer data, health and safety must be maintained, and social, fiscal and environmental dumping must be avoided. The 10th round of TTIP negotiations was scheduled for July 13-17, 2015 in Brussels. Once EU and U.S. negotiators conclude on a TTIP deal, it will need backing of the EP and the EU Council in order to enter into force.
Several non-profit organizations, such as Health Care Without Harm, Friends of the Earth Europe and Center for International Environmental Law, expressed their concern over the EP decision. The organizations state that the proposed TTIP deal weakens environmental, food, health, safety, and social standards in the EU. In particular, there is concern about toxic chemical standards in the EU that could be undermined by the trade deal.
Recently published reports by the Corporate Europe Observatory and the Union of Concerned Scientists outline lobbying activities of corporations in favor of the proposed TTIP deal, among which several chemical manufacturers and food producers can be found.
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European Parliament (July 8, 2015). “TTIP: ease access to US market, protect EU standards, reform dispute settlement.”
European Parliament (July 6, 2015). “Bernd Lange on TTIP: “We have to be transparent”.”
Health Care Without Harm (July 8, 2015). “HCWH Europe reaction to EP TTIP resolution.”
Friends of the Earth Europe (July 8, 2015). “EU-US trade talks: European Parliament vote ignores citizen concerns.”
Center for International Environmental Law (July 8, 2015). “European Parliament’s TTIP vote a step backward for public health.”
Corporate Europe Observatory (July 14, 2015). “TTIP: a corporate lobbying paradise.”
Corporate Europe Observatory (July 15, 2015). “Revolving doors between business & politics greasing the wheels of the TTIP lobby.”
Union of Concerned Scientists (July 2015). “Bad Chemistry: How the Chemical Industry’s Trade Association Undermines the Policies That Protect Us.”
Rebecca Trager (July 20, 2015). “US chemical industry lobby group in the hot seat again.” Chemistry World