
Opinion: TTIP – a toxic trade partnership

Transatlantic trade agreement proposal reflects chemical industry position to the detriment of public health and the environment; 111 NGOs send letter to TTIP negotiators

On July 10, 2014 The Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) published a press release criticizing that the current proposals of the potential Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) agreement include the chemical sector, thus creating a “Toxic Partnership” between the Europe and the U.S.. In response to the proposals, 111 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) sent a letter to the EU negotiators Ambassador Michael Froman and Commissioner Karel de Gucht objecting to the inclusion of the chemicals sector in the agreement. In the letter the organizations express concerns that the TTIP may advance the chemical industry’s agenda at the expense of public health and the environment. According to Vito A. Buonsante, law and policy advisor for the signatory organization ClientEarth, the proposed agreement would obstruct the implementation of progressive chemical and environmental legislation in the EU.

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Amanda Kistler and Micheal Haines (July 10, 2014). “TTIP crosses the line on toxic chemicals for 111 NGOs.” CIEL

CIEL (July 10, 2014). “Letter to Ambassador Michael Froman and Commissioner Karel De Gucht.(pdf)


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