Yesterday, January 23, 2013 the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) of the European Parliament voted on a Draft Report  on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs).

The report was drafted by a commission of the ENVI subcommittee, lead by MEP Ms Åsa Westlund (S&D, Sweden). It stresses the application of the precautionary principle to endocrine disruptors and asks for coherent political action on the matter. The report is regarded to be a first step towards the uniform regulation of endocrine disrupting chemicals within the European Union. Controversial EDCs are used in a variety of commercially available products, including food contact materials. The report will now be presented as a motion to the European Parliament, which will vote on its adoption as a resolution in March 2013. A resolution on EDCs would not be legally binding, but rather send a clear message to the European Commission and suggest guidelines for future legislation.

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Health and Environment Alliance

European Parliament – DRAFT report on the protection of public health from endocrine disrupters (2012/2066(INI))

European Parliament – Procedure File