
EU consultation on circular economy action plan

European Committee of the Regions launches stakeholder consultation to inform upcoming opinion on circular economy action plan, targets local and regional authorities and their stakeholder associations; comments due by May 29, 2020

On April 6, 2020, the European Committee of the Regions (COR) launched an online stakeholder consultation to inform its upcoming opinion on the Circular Economy Action Plan published in March 2020 by the European Commission (FPF reported). The consultation is targeting local and regional authorities (LRAs), their stakeholder associations, officials of EU institutions, and think tanks.

The COR’s Commission for the ENVironment, climate change and Energy (ENVE) has published a working document outlining questions they seek to address, including: LRAs’ role in delivering the circular economy, the shift in the economic system, recognition that all wastes are resources, and setting targets and structure for legislation. The committee is also asking for input about lessons that can be learned from the current COVID-19 pandemic. Written comments are being accepted until an extended deadline of May 29, 2020.

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COR (April 6, 2020). “Written Stakeholder Consultation “New Circular Economy Action Plan”.”

COR (April 6, 2020). “Working Document: Commission for the Environment, Climate Change and Energy (ENVE) New Circular Economy Action Plan.”

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