In an article published on August 14, 2018, regulatory news provider Chemical Watch informed about an opinion by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on the interface between chemical, product, and waste legislation under the EU’s circular economy package. The opinion was published August 10, 2018, in the Official Journal of the European Union.

The EESC is “[a]n EU advisory body including representatives of workers’ and employers’ organizations” which “delivers opinions on issues to the European Commission, the Council of Ministers and the European Parliament,” Chemical Watch explained.

In its opinion, the EESC offers ten recommendations, including i) to prioritize the full application of REACH and other legislation on chemicals, ii) to improve information on hazardous chemicals in products and waste materials, and iii) to improve identification and tracking of substances of very high concern (SVHCs) in imported goods.

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Chemical Watch (August 14, 2018). “EU advisers offer chemical legislation recommendations.

Official Journal of the European Union (August 10, 2018). “Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on the implementation of the circular economy package: Options to address the interface between chemical, product and waste legislation (COM(2018) 32 final).