
EFSA safety assessment of PVC additive

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) panel publishes safety assessment of di(m-2,20,200-nitrilotris(ethanol)-diperchlorato)dinatrium as a thermal stabilizer additive up 0.15% by weight in rigid reusable polyvinyl chloride (PVC) water bottles

On May 15, 2020, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) published a safety assessment for the substance di(m-2,20,200-nitrilotris(ethanol)-diperchlorato)dinatrium (CAS 156157-97-0) to be used as a thermal stabilizer at up to 0.15% by weight in rigid polyvinyl chloride (PVC) reusable water bottles. The substance has been assigned an identification as FCM number 1080. The assessment found that no thermal degradation is expected to take place during production of PVC articles, and in water the substance dissociates into triethanolamine, sodium cations, and perchlorate. Any migration from the plastic article into the food would therefore cause human exposure to triethanolamine and perchlorate. Perchlorate is suspected to harm brain development (FPF reported) and therefore be of particular concern for childhood exposure (FPF reported).

Specific migration levels of these substances from the article were tested, with perchlorate detected at near 0.3 µg/kg food and triethanolamine not detected. Specific migration limits have been set for perchlorate (2 µg/kg food) and for triethanolamine (50 µg/kg food). The EFSA Panel on Food Contact Materials, Enzymes and Processing Aids (CEP) therefore concluded that substance is “not of safety concern for the consumer if used, under the condition requested by the applicant, as an additive at up to 0.15% w/w in rigid PVC for repeated use bottles intended for contact with water.”

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EFSA (May 15, 2020). “Safety assessment of the substance (triethanolamine‐perchlorate, sodium salt) dimer, for use in food contact materials.”

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