On June 12, 2014 the European Ministers of the Environment will discuss the EU’s endocrine disruptor strategy at a meeting of the Council of the European Union, according to an article published by the news provider EurActiv. France placed the item on the agenda arguing that endocrine disrupting effects were now sufficiently documented to require urgent action at the European level. The European Commission was required to deliver the definition of endocrine disruptors in December 2013, but has since delayed publication until an impact assessment is completed. In accordance with a briefing note circulated ahead of the meeting and supported by Denmark and Sweden, France proposes a European definition based on intrinsic hazard properties, not taking into consideration potency or exposure levels. Further, France argues that the definition should be adapted to the different routes or windows of exposure. According to EurActiv, the proposal will be controversial for the chemical industry which insists that hazards and exposure need to be evaluated jointly within the existing risk assessment framework.

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Euractiv (June 12, 2014). “France urges ‘quick action’ on endocrine disruptors.

French delegation to the Council of the European Union (June 4, 2014). “Perturbateurs endocriniens – Information de la délégation française, soutenue par les délégations danoise et suédoise.(in french)