
ECHA: SVHC roadmap progress report

ECHA reports on activities to identify substances of very high concern in 2015; focus on endocrine disrupting chemicals

In an article published on April 4, 2016 the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) announced that it has published the second annual report on the implementation of the roadmap on substances of very high concern (SVHC Roadmap). The SVHC Roadmap is an EU-wide commitment for having all relevant currently known SVHCs included in the REACH Candidate List by 2020.

In 2015, 180 substances have been screened by Member States (MS). About 75% of the screened substances were found to require follow-up regulatory actions. The screening focused in particular on identifying potential substances for harmonized classification and labeling, and substances with endocrine disrupting (ED) properties. The number of substances investigated for their ED properties has increased compared to 2014 and so far 55 substances are being assessed for their ED properties. In total, data has been generated for 266 substances – 59 assessments have been concluded and 196 are ongoing.

According to the most recent Candidate List, seven substances have been included in the list in 2015.

Read more

ECHA (April 4, 2016). “Progress in identifying and managing risks of substances that matter most.

ECHA (2016). “SVHC Roadmap to 2020 implementation.


ECHA (April 4, 2016). “Roadmap for SVHC identification and implementation of REACH risk management measures.(pdf)

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