
ECHA: Registrations must ‘reflect the most up-to-date knowledge’

European Chemicals Agency reminds companies of legal obligation to review and update REACH registration dossiers ‘when new information becomes available’

In an article published on November 6, 2018, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) sent a clear message to chemical companies: “Keep your registration up to date.” ECHA reminded that “[r]egistering your chemicals under REACH is not a one-off exercise” and that “[y]our registration has to reflect the most up-to-date knowledge on how a substance can be used safely at production sites and through the supply chain all the way down to the end user.” ECHA highlights its message and the legal requirements in a short video and also provides practical advice on dossier updates and recommendations to registrants on its website.

A study published in August 2018 by the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) and the German Environment Agency (UBA) found that only about 30% of registration dossiers for high production volume chemicals were compliant with REACH safety data requirements (FPF reported). As a consequence, the European Parliament held a debate on the insufficient implementation of REACH in October 2018 and called for more efficient dossier evaluations and stricter enforcement (FPF reported).

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ECHA (November 6, 2018). “Keep your registration up to date.

Robert Hodgson (November 6, 2018). “Chemicals regulator launches REACH compliance drive.ENDS Europe

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