
EC adopts EDC criteria for biocides

EU Commission adopts endocrine disruptor identification criteria for biocides following the endorsement of criteria for pesticides in July 2017

In a press release published on September 4, 2017, the European Commission (EC) informed that it has officially adopted the scientific criteria to identify endocrine disruptors (endocrine disrupting chemicals, EDCs) in the field of biocides. Similar criteria for EDC identification in the field of pesticides have already been endorsed by Member States on July 4, 2017 (FPF reported). Adoption of both proposals now allows the EDC criteria to become fully aligned in both legislations, thus fulfilling the EC’s objective “to have the same criteria applicable in both sectors.”

According to an article by Chemical Watch, published on September 7, 2017, the EDC criteria will be discussed next in the European Parliament’s (EP) environment committee (ENVI) on September 28, 2017. In the case of ENVI rejecting the criteria proposals, the EC will be forced to revisit the texts. Else, the proposals will proceed to be voted on in the EP plenary scheduled for October 3, 2017, Chemical Watch explained.

Read more

EC (September 4, 2017). “Endocrine disruptors: adoption of scientific criteria for biocides.

Chemical Watch (September 7, 2017). “European Commission officially adopts EDC criteria for biocides.

Samuel White (September 5, 2017). “Member states adopt endocrine disruptor criteria.EurActiv

Katrina Krämer (September 6, 2017). “Biocides under scrutiny as Europe adopts endocrine disruptor standards.Chemistry World

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