On September 18, 2014 the Danmarks Radio published an article reporting that the Danish Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Dan Jørgensen intends to remove fluorinated chemicals from food contact materials. In the article, the journalists Lea Carina Frederiksen and Christian Engell report that a new study showed 40 percent of packaging materials contains toxic substances. They reveal that Coop, Denmark’s largest supermarket, is already in the process of voluntarily phasing out fluorinated substances from its own brand’s paper products. Generally, Danish retailers expressed the opinion that it is the packaging industry’s responsibility to find alternatives to fluorinated substances and packaging industry asserts that it is in the process of finding those alternatives. As long as the removal is only voluntary products from outside Denmark continue to contain fluorinated compounds. Dan Jørgensen declares that Denmark is now collecting the data needed to establish a full ban.

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Lea Carina Frederiksen and Christian Engell (September 18, 2014). “Minister vil forbyde giftige fluorstoffer i mademballage.Denmarks Radio (in Danish).