
Coca-Cola bottle made of marine plastics

Company presents trial bottle with 25% of ‘recovered and recycled marine plastics’ content

An article published on October 3, 2019, by Packaging Europe, informed that on the same day “Coca-Cola unveiled its first ever sample bottle made using recovered and recycled marine plastics, demonstrating that one day, even ocean debris could be used in recycled packaging for food or drinks.”

Some 300 sample bottles have been produced in a partnership with Ioniqa Technologies, Indorama Ventures, and Mares Circulares (Circular Seas), with each bottle including “25% recycled marine plastic retrieved from the Mediterranean Sea and beaches.” This demonstration “show[s] the transformational potential of revolutionary enhanced recycling technologies, which can recycle previously used PET [(polyethylene terephthalate)] plastics of any quality back to high-quality plastic that can be used for food or drink packaging, including material that would previously have been sent to incineration or landfill.”

Coca-Cola “plans to roll out this enhanced recycled content in some of its bottles” starting in 2020. The company will also continue investing in “enhanced recycling technologies, as well as alternative packaging solutions for the future, such as paper bottles, bio-based packaging materials, refillable-returnable and packaging-free alternatives.”

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Packaging Europe (October 3, 2019). “Coca-Cola unveils first marine plastics sample bottle.

Rachel Arthur (October 4, 2019). “Coca-Cola showcases bottle made with recycled sea plastic.Beverage Daily

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