
Circular economy: Stronger policies needed

European Environment Agency assesses resource efficiency and commitment to circular economy in European countries

In an article published on June 10, 2016 by the news provider EurActiv, journalist James Crisp informs about a new report by the European Environment Agency (EEA) looking into resource efficiency and the implementation of circular economy principles across Europe. The EEA report entitled “More from less – Material resource efficiency in Europe” examined national approaches and policies on resource efficiency and explored similarities and differences in related policies, strategies and targets. Between 2000 and 2014, resource use in the European Union as a whole decreased by 12%, the report states. However, only Austria, Finland, and Germany adopted national strategies for material resource efficiency and only Germany, the Netherlands, and the region of Flanders (Belgium) have a dedicated circular economy strategy. “The majority of reported policy initiatives related to the circular economy focus on waste management, with only a few examples going beyond increasing recycling rates and a higher use of secondary raw materials,” EEA writes. Key waste streams identified are plastic and packaging, construction and demolition waste, and food waste. “The economic benefit of improving resource efficiency is the most important driver in many countries, indicating that the logic of doing more with less has been widely embraced,” EEA explains. The report concludes that policy design and implementation need to be improved and exchange of good practice between countries should be promoted.

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James Crisp (June 10, 2016). “Commission’s axing of Circular Economy Package ‘stalled’ green policies across EU. EurActiv

EEA (June 9, 2016). “Resource efficiency in Europe: Benefits of doing more with less.


EEA (June 9, 2016). “More from less — Material resource efficiency in Europe.

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