In an article published on October 1, 2013 on the webpage of the investigative news organization The Center for Public Integrity, journalist Ronnie Greene, highlights the backlog of federal chemical regulation in the U.S.. He reports on the recent adoption of California’s Safer Consumer Products Regulation, which took effect on October 1, 2013 and is to include a list of potentially hazardous chemicals. Two informational lists of Candidate Chemicals of Concern were published on September 26, 2013 (reported on by the FPF). On April 1, 2014, the California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC), U.S. will publish five product/Candidate Chemical combinations as Priority Products. Manufacturers will be prompted to assess chemical alternatives and alter product formulas of these Priority Products. Greene views the Californian regulation as great move towards better chemical regulation and criticizes the delays in revamping the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) at the federal level. According to Greene, state officials across the country support strengthened federal chemicals regulation but want to avoid handcuffing individual state’s ability to control consumer chemicals. However, he reports, the American chemical industry organization American Chemistry Council (ACC) has successfully opposed hundreds of state legislations, because they contend that chemical reform should come through TSCA not the states (reported on by the FPF). As such, Greene concedes, the adoption of the new Californian legislation sets a precedent for strengthening chemical control.

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Ronnie Greene (October 1, 2013). “California bypasses feds, presses ahead on regulation of toxic chemicals.” The Center for Public Integrity.

Debbie Raphael (October 1, 2013). “Viewpoints: A preventive approach to keeping harmful chemicals out of everyday products.” The Sacramento Bee.

FPF article “California details potential Chemicals of Concern

FPF article “Opinion: Industry obstructs reform of toxic chemicals regulations