On October 28, 2024, the Food Packaging Forum, in collaboration with ETH Zürich, will hold the first Swiss Symposium on Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs). The event will feature in-depth scientific talks and discussions all about EDCs.

Hormones are vital messenger chemicals that regulate growth, development, and normal health functions in organisms. EDCs are exogenous substances that interfere with hormone signaling, affecting hormone levels and disrupting normal biological functions. These chemicals have emerged as a major health concern, backed up by scientific evidence.

Throughout the day, participants will hear leading experts talk about the history of EDC research, as well as ongoing and future efforts to better understand hazards and exposures associated with these compounds.

Contact us at events@fp-forum.org for any questions, inquiries, or other issues concerning this event.

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09:00Welcome & IntroductionJane Muncke (Food Packaging Forum); Georg Aichinger (ETH Zürich)
Session 1 - Looking back: 30+ years of EDC research
Chair: Barbara Flückiger Schwarzenbach (State Secretariat for Education, Research, and Innovation) and Felix Althaus (University of Zurich)
09:15Our Stolen FuturePete Myers (Carnegie Mellon University; Environmental Health Sciences)
09:40Metabolism-Disrupting ChemicalsJerrold Heindel (Healthy Environment and Endocrine Disruptor Strategies); Angel Nadal (Universidad Miguel Hernandez de Elche)
10:05EDC Research in Switzerland: NFP 50Ana Soto (Tufts University Boston; University of Ulster)
10:45Coffee break
Session 2 - Modern EDC research, part 1
Chair: Alexandra Kroll (Ecotox Centre) and N.N.
11:15EDCs and epidemiologyLeonardo Trasande (New York University)
11:40EDCs in food packagingMartin Wagner (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
12:05EDCs and in vitro assays to assess altered steroid hormone actionAlex Odermatt (University of Basel)
13:00Lunch break
Session 3 - Modern EDC research, part 2
Chair: Eszter Simon (Federal Office for the Environment) and Martin Scheringer (ETH Zürich)
14:00EDCs in aquatic ecosystemsKsenia Groh (Eawag - Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology)
14:25Micro- and nanoplastics: Deciphering translocation and effects at the maternal-fetal interfaceTina Bürki (Empa - Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology)
14:50Gut microbiome - EDC interactionsGeorg Aichinger (ETH Zürich)
15:45Coffee break
Session 4 - Looking ahead: What is next for EDC research?
16:15Panel: EDC research in the real world
Angela Bearth (Swiss Centre for Applied Human Toxicology), invited
Tomas Hrasko (Medical doctor, endocrinologist)
Anna Lamprou (Toxicfree Suisse)
Anne-Laure Demierre (Federal Office of Public Health)
Petra Kunz (Federal Office for the Environment)
Moderator: Jane Muncke (Food Packaging Forum)
17:15Summary and closing remarksGeorg Aichinger (ETH Zürich)
17:30Ending and apéro for all participants (TBC)


Oct 28, 2024
09:00 - 17:30


ETH Zürich AudiMax
Rämistrasse 101

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CH-8045 Zurich

T: +41 44 515 52 55