
Non-monotonicity of BPA

May 26, 2020 – May 26, 2020  


May 26, 2020    
15:00 - 16:00

Event Type

Presentation slides

On May 26, 2020, the Food Packaging Forum held a webinar featuring a presentation from Anna Soto and Maël Montévil from Tufts University in the US on the observed non-monotonic dose-response of the substance bisphenol A (BPA; CAS 80-05-7). The researchers presented and discussed their results published in the peer-reviewed journal Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP), which found a consistent pattern of non-monotonic dose-response relationships in rats between BPA exposure and mammary gland development (FPF reported). The study was carried out within the Consortium Linking Academic and Regulatory Insights on Bisphenol-A (CLARITY-BPA) investigating the chemical, which is widely used in the production of resins applied to food contact materials (FCMs).

In their presentation, the scientists provide background on CLARITY-BPA, the setup of their mammary gland study, and a detailed discussion of the analytical and statistical methods applied. They explain that their study shows clear statistical evidence of non-monotonic dose-response curves (NMDRC) of developmental exposure to BPA for multiple measurements, that such responses occurred at all ages of the animals studied, and argue that additional “mechanistic studies are not needed to accept that a NMDRC reflects a causal link to the exposure when the statistical methods of analysis are pertinent and rigorous.”

Please note that the text in the last line of the final conclusions presentation slide in the recording should read “similar to MDRC”. This has been updated in the downloadable slides.

Read More

Food Packaging Forum (May 22, 2020). “CLARITY-BPA study finds clear non-monotonicity.”


Montévil, M. et al. (May 20, 2020). “A Combined Morphometric and Statistical Approach to Assess Nonmonotonicity in the Developing Mammary Gland of Rats in the CLARITY-BPA Study.” Environmental Health Perspectives


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