
Hazardous chemicals in food contact materials?

October 9, 2014 – October 9, 2014   Four Points by Sheraton, Kalandergasse 1, Zurich


Oct 9, 2014    
08:00 - 16:30


Bookings closed


Four Points by Sheraton
Kalandergasse 1, Zurich, 8045

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The Food Packaging Forum’s second annual workshop was dedicated to hazardous chemicals in food contact materials (FCMs). A recent study by the Food Packaging Forum revealed that known chemicals of concern are knowingly and intentionally used in the manufacture of FCMs. During the workshop, participants learned from internationally renowned scientific experts how hazardous chemicals are managed in FCMs, how their risk is assessed, how chemical analytical work helps to ensure the safety of food packaging, and what emerging issues are related to the risk of chemicals in FCMs. They also heard from government officials and experts from the European Union and the US about the regulatory framework for food contact materials in these countries. Specialists from the food industry and from retail shared how food packaging safety, related to hazardous chemicals, is managed. Finally, different approaches for identifying chemical hazards in food contact materials were shown. Please find the full slides and recordings of the presentations given at the workshop below.


Bookings are closed for this event.


Welcome and Introduction

Prof. Martin Scheringer

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and Food Packaging Forum Foundation Board, Switzerland

Chemical risk assessment: a tightrope walk between science, policy and stakeholder demands

Prof. Thomas Backhaus

University of Gothenburg, Sweden and Food Packaging Forum Foundation Board, Switzerland

Chemicals of concern in food contact materials – an analysis by the FPF

Dr. Birgit Geueke

Food Packaging Forum, Switzerland

Establishing the level of safety concern for chemicals in food without the need for toxicity testing

Dr. Benoît Schilter

Nestlé, Switzerland

Is BPA a weak estrogen?

Prof. Angel Nadal

Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Spain and Food Packaging Forum Foundation Board, Switzerland

Bisphenol A: Mistakes and opportunities

Dr. Pete Myers

Environmental Health Sciences, United States

Ensuring safety and compliance of food contact materials

Dr. Konrad Grob

Official Food Control Authority of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland

Chemical food safety in the US – an analysis of FDA’s scientific basis for assessing chemical risk

Tom Neltner

Independent Consultant, United States

FACET: Its use in the risk assessment of non-intentionally added substances

Dr. Peter Oldring

Valspar Corporation AG, United Kingdom

Safety of food packaging from a retailer’s perspective

Paul Earnshaw

TESCO, United Kingdom

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