
Code of conduct for polyolefin packaging

Polyolefin producer Borealis AG publishes code to design for recyclability, aims to maximize quality and quantity of recyclable packaging

In an article published on March 8, 2019, news provider Plastic News Europe (PNE) informed about a new “Design for Recyclability code for polyolefin packaging designers to promote circular economy and recyclability.” Developed by European polyolefin manufacturer Borealis AG, the code consists of ten key points and offers “critical guidelines [on] how to maximize the quality and quantity of packaging materials that can be recycled, while at the same time supporting the achievement of recycling targets and contributing to a more sustainable transition to a circular economy.”

Recommendations within the code include using: “compatible and separable combinations of polymer types, barrier layers, dyes and adhesives,” aluminum as a barrier layer only when it can be easily separated, minimal space on packaging for printing or labelling, and transparent, clear, or white colored film for the main body of the packaging.

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PNE (March 8, 2019). “Borealis compiles code of conduct with “do’s and don’ts” of circular economy design.

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