
Workshop on synergies between REACH and EU FCM laws

CHEM Trust organizes workshop in Brussels with EU governments and regulatory experts; discusses roles REACH data could have to support FCM safety, challenges of chemicals in non-harmonized FCMs; presentations and detailed minutes published to support ongoing discussions

On April 29, 2019, non-governmental organization CHEM Trust organized a workshop in Brussels, Belgium with government and EU regulatory experts to discuss “gaps, overlaps and possible synergies between the EU’s main chemicals law REACH and the EU’s laws on chemicals in food contact materials (FCM).” The first half of the day included a set of presentations by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), and the two EU member states Denmark and Belgium. In the afternoon, the participants focused on discussing: (i) the roles REACH data could have in ensuring the safety of food contact materials, (ii) challenges associated with chemicals in non-harmonized FCM materials in the EU, and (iii) food contact plastics and the reassessment of the chemicals allowed in their manufacture (known in the EU as the Union List).

A set of detailed minutes summarizing the discussions, as well as the presentations given by the EU authorities are now published on CHEM Trust’s website. Sidsel Dyekjaer from CHEM Trust commented that “the feedback from attendees was that they much appreciated the open discussions between experts from different backgrounds. There was a clear interest in learning more about the potential role that EU chemicals law REACH could have in improving the operation of the EU’s laws on chemicals in food contact materials.” The organization wants the new EU Commission to “make revising and improving these laws a priority.”

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Sidsel Dyekjaer (September 30, 2019). “A workshop looking at gaps between the EU laws on chemicals in food contact materials and REACH.” CHEM Trust

CHEM Trust (September 30, 2019). “Notes from a workshop to discuss the role that REACH could have in assisting with regulation of chemicals in Food Contact Materials.” (pdf)

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