
UK public consultation on food strategy

Department for Environment Food & Rural Affairs calls for evidence to support development of National Food Strategy; plans for ‘radical shake-up of the UK’s food industry’; consultation open online until October 25, 2019

On August 17, 2019, the United Kingdom’s Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) published a press release announcing a public consultation to help develop the country’s National Food Strategy. The UK announced that it is planning “for a radical shake-up of the UK’s food industry” and has launched “a call for evidence, giving everyone from consumers, farmers and food producers, to scientists and academics, an opportunity to shape how we produce, sell and consume food in the UK.” The feedback received will be used “to ensure the food industry is fit for the future, supports growth, enhances the environment and is resilient to the challenges posed by climate change.” Specifically, the strategy will review and build on existing agricultural, fishery, industry, childhood obesity, and environment bills.

In a note to academic scientists, DEFRA highlighted that additional technical evidence will be asked for later in the consultation process. However, any new research that “strengthens or challenges the conclusions of previous reviews into specific topics” is welcome now, including not yet published information that could “contribute significantly to the debate.” The consultation is open online until October 25, 2019.

Read more

DEFRA (August 17, 2019). “Public to have their say on the food system of the future.”

DEFRA (August 17, 2019). “National Food Strategy – Call for Evidence.”

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