In a press release published on July 16, 2019, the United Kingdom Parliament’s Environmental Audit Committee announced the publication of a report titled “Toxic Chemicals in Everyday Life,” which highlights “the growing problem of chemical pollution” and “call[s] on the [UK] Government to use the forthcoming Chemicals Strategy to form the basis of a non-toxic environment in the UK.”

Specifically regarding food contact materials (FCMs), the committee in the report “call[s] on manufacturers to be more transparent about the chemicals used in their packaging to enable consumers make informed decisions.” They also “support CHEM Trust’s call for REACH defined substances of very high concern [(SVHCs)] to be automatically banned in food contact materials as soon as possible” and “recommend the Government implements a UK-wide ban on the use of these chemicals in food contact materials available on the UK market to lower the public’s exposure.” Regarding per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), the committee “call[s] on the Government to publish its strategy on per-fluorinated chemicals as soon as possible” and for it to “include clear guidance on routes of exposure to chemicals such as PFOS and PFOA and how these will be reduced amongst the public.” The report is the outcome of an inquiry carried out by the committee in April 2019 (FPF reported).

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United Kingdom Parliament (July 16, 2019). “Government accused of stalling on action to reduce exposure to toxic chemicals in homes.”

CHEM Trust (July 16, 2019). “UK MPs back CHEM Trust’s priorities in new report on Toxic Chemicals in Everyday Life.”

Luke Buxton (July 16, 2019). “MPs demand urgent UK action on toxic substances.” Chemical Watch